Delivering quality Web3 solutions for the modern Web

We deliver solutions based on blockchain technologies and help our customers capitalize the growing space of digital assets.

Our Approach

We work with partners to deliver value and grow expertise in the expanding space of digital assets and blockchain technologies.

In the pursuit of leading blockchain solutions, we are mindful of sustainable growth. This is why we specialize in proof-of-stake blockchains as opposed to proof-of-work blockchain technologies.

Get in touch

If you are a business looking to earn yield on your digital assets, speak with us!

Our Projects

AuraStake logo AuraStake

Enjoy yields on your digital assets by staking on our validator — available on Terra 2.0 and Terra Classic.

AuraTrust logo AuraTrust

AuraTrust aims to deliver a safer experience for Web3 users through the tagging search results and warning banners.

AuraSend logo AuraSend

AuraSend, a tool for the Terra ecosystem to easily send multiple coins to multiple recipients in a single transaction.

Note: currently supported on Terra Classic.

AuraRover logo AuraRover

AuraRover is an analytics dashboard that gives users accurate and up-to-date information.

This project is deprecated. You can find other dashboards below:

Terra 2 Terra Classic

Industry Partners

SFA logo
Onebit logo
SKIP Protocol logo
Stader logo